RV Energy Management Systems

RVs of all types have two electrical systems:  a 12 volt, automotive style DC power system and a residential style 120 volt AC power system.  Understanding both of these systems is necessary to get the best use of your RV. We will do a series to explain some of the intricacies of both systems and

Cameras and Stuff

There has been some interest in the photography gear I am using. I am in the category of “serious amateur” when it comes to both still and video photography. I’ve been taking pictures all my adult life, and have piles of 35mm slides, 8mm home movies, and videos that document a lot of my life

When is a Balanced Tire not Balanced

Sometimes you can’t win for trying.  I’m certainly not new to buying tires, but motorhome tires seem to be in a class by themselves.  First, they are BIG, at least in comparison to what I’ve bought before. And expensive.  When we first bought the present motorhome, it was clear that it needed new front tires